Thursday, 21 July 2011

Fukuoka, demo doko des ka?

Ok. Many people have asked me where I live in Fukuoka and how much the prices are.

First of all Fukuoka is not the same as Fukushima and I am more or less as far away from Fukushima as you can get in Japan. Fukuoka is in the west of Japan. It is located north on the Kyushu island is considered the main city on this island by many. Furthermore I live in the tenjin area and this is where everyone goes shopping. The weekly hotel mansion I stay at is called Access Tenjin and you can see pictures and stuff here: and if you are using google chrome as your web browser you can just translate it into english and understand at least most of it. There also seems to be a discount for people that are here to do aikido as well because I pay less than what is on the web.

If you get high enough you have a view out to the south of the area.
The staff is very friendly and there is no problem if you only speak english. They will take so good care of you that there will be no problems anyway. A real clean and easy place to stay. It is very short to two of the dojo´s (Takasago and Tenjin) that is about 10 min bicycle ride.

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